About Us
National Resuscitation Provider is the leading provider of web-based Neonatal Resuscitation Certification exams and training courses.
Our institution holds an impeccable reputation for providing the highest quality of Neonatal Resuscitation training and online testing available today. Our curriculum is based on the latest NRP guidelines from the AAP and AHA.
In the past, the only way to obtain an NRP certification was for nurses and healthcare providers to take time out of their busy schedules and sit through a 2-day training class provided by the AAP. To make getting your certification easier, We’ve created a solution to that problem by offering a Neonatal Resuscitation certification program 100% online that can be accessed from any digital device with internet access.
National Resuscitation Provider employs a team of highly skilled medical providers to design our Neonatal Resuscitation training courses and exams, ensuring educational integrity in our online program. Regularly, our on-staff medical professionals and review board monitor and update our Neonatal Resuscitation curriculum, ensuring the most up-to-date health guidelines provided by the AAP's NRP certification.
We are proud to deliver easily accessible training to all healthcare providers through our Neonatal Resuscitation certification online that meets and surpasses the standards of a traditional classroom training course.